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Gray’s Anatomy, a standard medical textbook used in chiropractic and medical schools states the following;
“The Nervous System includes the central nervous system, which is composed of the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system, which is composed of nerves and ganglia and the sense organs such as the ear.  Its function is to control and coordinate all organs and structures and to relate the individual to his/her environment.”

The Nervous System main job is to gather information from the body and then to control, coordinate and instruct the body so that the body can remain in a state of ease and not dis-ease. The Nervous System is divided into two main systems;
1)    Central Nervous System.
2)    The Peripheral Nervous System.

The Central Nervous System is made up of the Brain and Spinal Cord. The Central Nervous System main job is to control all the body’s other systems via the Brain, to receive communication from the body systems as well as instruct the body systems on how and when to function via the Spinal Cord.

The Peripheral Nervous System main function is to connect the Central Nervous System (Brain & Spinal Cord) to the extremities and organs of the body. The Peripheral Nervous System is divided into two main systems;
1)    The Autonomic Nervous System.
2)    The Somatic Nervous System.

The Autonomic Nervous System main function is to act as a control system for functions below the level of consciousness and controls internal organs functions. The Autonomic Nervous System affects the following;
1)    Breathing (works in tandem with the conscious mind).
2)    Digestion.
3)    Heart Rate.
4)    Micturition.
5)    Perspiration.
6)    Respiration Rate.
7)    Salivation.
8)    Sexual Arousal.

The Autonomic Nervous System is divided into three (3) systems;
1)    Non-Adrenergic & Non-Cholinergic (Use Nitric Oxide as a neurotransmitter).
2)    Parasympathetic
       (Originates in the Brain Stem & Lower Part of the Spinal Cord which slows the heart,
       constricts the pupils and dilates the  blood vessels).
3)    Sympathetic
      (Originates in the Thoracic & Lumbar regions of the Spinal Cord which dilates the pupils of
      the eyes, increases rate & force of the heart contraction, dilates the bronchioles of the lungs,
      slows down muscle movement in the digestive tract, increases rennin which regulates the
      body’s mean arterial blood pressure and promotes ejaculation).

The Somatic Nervous System aka Voluntary Nervous System main function is to regulate body movement through control of skeletal (voluntary) muscles such as in walking and smiling and also relates the body with the environment through the reception of external stimuli such as through the senses of vision, hearing, taste and smell.

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